Projekt NEXUS to badania poświęcone prawniczej tematyce w pismach polskich teologów moralnych doby wczesnonowożytnej. Dwuletnie stypendium na realizację projektu zostało przyznane dr. Piotrowi Alexandrowiczowi przez Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Po niezbędnych zmianach stypendium zostało za zgodą obu stron skrócone do trzymiesięcznych badąń wstępnych, które mają przedstawić przegląd literatury przedmiotu i wykaz oraz charakterystykę źródeł.

Streszczenie projektu (w pierwotnej, dwuletniej wersji)
How did the early modern moral theologians from the European periphery address the societal challenges of the 16th-18th centuries through the normative framework? The answer to this question posed by NEXUS is to be provided by the juxtaposition of two coupled nexuses established in early modern Europe: one merging law and theology, and the other one connecting the centre and the periphery. This project will investigate the moral theological treatises of the early modern (ca. 1550-1800) theologians from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth who were inspired by the authors from the European centre of scholastic science. It aims at the determination of the scope of the reception of ideas from the centre and their adaptation to conditions in the periphery to shed light on the assessment of the early modern societal challenges produced by the Polish and Lithuanian moral theologians. The three main objectives of NEXUS are as follows: 1) to characterise the nature of the relation between early modern scholasticism at its centre (School of Salamanca and dependent authors) and its European periphery (the Commonwealth); 2) to produce a coherent framework of the normativity developed by the early modern local theologians and to classify the tools developed by Polish and Lithuanian moral theologians to address the societal challenges of early modernity in the cultural context; 3) to determine the significance of religious normativity in early modern theology for the Eastern European legal tradition. NEXUS is underpinned by the combined interdisciplinary approach founded on methodologies of law, theology and canon law. Its impact arises from the compliance with the primary values of the EU expressed in the Treaty of Lisbon, as it will seek a better understanding of the legal, theological and cultural heritage of various member states, to provide a more coherent narrative on the common past of Europe, to which early modern scholasticism contributed.